Welcome to Clowdnet, a global network stretching over 157 countries!

Our Mission

At Clowdnet, our ongoing goal is to introduce innovative methods of maintaining communications. As technology continues to advance and we embrace the digital landscape, our primary focus is on delivering precise products and services that genuinely bring meaningful worth to our users.

What Do We Do?

Up to this point, a plastic SIM card was an essential requirement to access mobile services. But guess what? Times have changed. We’ve encountered the inconveniences associated with physical SIM cards firsthand, prompting us to devise an ideal remedy tailored to your needs.

With the emergence of mobile devices equipped with eSIM technology, the process of obtaining cellular services and data has been revolutionised. Now, you can directly purchase these services for your phone. This holds particular value, especially while traveling, as our eSIM services enable swift and stress-free access to local mobile services. Furthermore, you can conveniently store multiple plans on a single eSIM, activating them whenever the need arises.

Leading the Future of Communications

We are proud to be an industry-leading online eSIM store, providing access to all premium networks in the UK and to over 300 overseas. 

Trust Us

Behind the website there is a company with “real people”. Clowdnet was formed in 2014 and comprises of a small but expanding team of telecoms professionals with a combined experience of almost 50 years in the industry.

Although the general conception is that eSIM technology is new, it has actually been around since the launch of the Apple 10 series of handsets and is about to explode when Apple launch their first handset without a physical SIM card, this makes eSIM services a “must have”. We are committed to it.

Are you interested in a Partnership or a White label eSIM program? If you are, why not drop us a line for a no-obligation discussion.

Explore our services

Continue to receive your calls on WhatsApp without using your main sim card data. Clowdnet e-SIM can be switched on when travelling and keeps your data connection live at a reduced price.

Reduce Costs

Choose the data plan that suits your needs.

Best Roaming

Choose any network you like with no extra charge

Keep your SIM

Keep your normal SIM and your number.

Easy installation

Download and setup your eSIM in minutes.

We know what it’s like to be out of touch!

Roaming isn’t cheap, so why not leave your network at home and grab an eSIM.

Installing an eSIM takes the pain out of buying a local SIM, changing your no, giving your ID to someone and relying on un-secure hotel wifi.

Clowdnet eSIM is one of the best options to connect to the internet abroad.

Clowdnet is an international network

Covering more than 157 destinations. It’s simple to set up and provides 4G/5G connection around the world. You’ll connect to the internet just by scanning a QR code, and you’ll never have to pay roaming fees again.

Our Technology

eSIMs are different to normal SIM’s, Instead of physically inserting a SIM card, its delivered via a QR code. You can install them in smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other mobile devices.

  • Keep your existing mobile no.
  • Compatible with all smartphones
  • No daily charge or credit check
  • No bandwidth limitations
  • Connect to all available networks
  • Use your instant messaging as normal
  • Make and receive calls as normal